EP14 Yoga, family & being true to yourself with Lily Kardon

EP14 Yoga, family & being true to yourself with Lily Kardon

Lily Kardon shares an open conversation with me exploring brave moves she's taken as a woman and as a mum.

We discuss curating intentional family connection where we're accepted and loved for who we are, not what we achieve or do and how this looks within her family of birth.

Lily shares her journey from being a New York yoga teacher to being a single mum, working in strategic thought partnership with inspiring ethical small businesses.

She is a self-proclaimed and proud weirdo, reminding us to embrace our quirks and celebrating them as we talk about the pressure to fit in and bullying.

Connect with Lily on Instagram @Lilykardon www.lilykardon.com

Ps. Towards the end I share a little about my own insecurities surrounding my quirky accent and how I’m choosing to embrace this aspect of who I am.

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